This gently absorbing documentary follows Amber, a happiness agent, as he travels the Bhutanese Himalayas surveying people's wellbeing for the government’s Happiness Survey.
How can you measure happiness? The country of Bhutan invented Gross National Happiness to do just that; the concept was first introduced by the 4th King of Bhutan, King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, in the late 1970s as a wellbeing measurement, when he stated that Gross National Happiness was more important than Gross Domestic Product. Amber travels door- to-door to meet people and measure how happy they are. At the age of 40, he is a a hopeless romantic who still dreams of finding love: a happiness agent in search of his own happiness. This slow burning documentary is suffused with warmth and combines breathtaking scenery with gentle humour whilst not avoiding the darker themes which also emerge, such as alcoholism and loneliness. As we accompany Amber on his cross-country road trip, meeting citizens from all walks of life, we are reminded of the fragility and beauty of our own happiness. (Subtitles)
Bhutan/Hungary 2024 Director Arun Bhattarai & Dorottya Zurbó 94m