
SOLO (15)


Special Film & Show Event

In Partnership with Chichester Cabaret Club

A young man deals with two impossible loves: a passionate crush on fellow drag artist Oliver and a distant and cold relationship with his opera diva mother Claire.

Simon (Théodore Pellerin) is a rising star in Montreal's drag scene. Friendly with his fellow drag queens and supported by his sister, who delights in designing increasingly elaborate and beautiful costumes for his act, Simon vibrates with the passion of his adopted artistic community. When he meets Oliver (Félix Maritaud), the alluring new recruit at the club, their irresistible chemistry sparks an electric romance and a fulfilling creative collaboration. When Simon’s mother - a bona fide opera diva - returns after years on the road, he immediately withdraws under the shadow of her influence? Beautifully charting the highs and lows of falling in love and finding oneself in one's art, writer and director Sophie Dupuis's film is a passionate feat of character-driven storytelling and visual extravagance, celebrating the drag world in all its splendour and heartache. A triumph! (Subtitles)

Canada 2023 Sophie Dupuis 101m

We are delighted to welcome Chichester Cabaret Club and Dickie Bows & Petticoats Mistress of Ceremonies Dawn Gracie together with larger than life drag act The Madame for a 45-minute show directly after the film.

From Ms Gracie you can expect a warm welcome and some quick wit ahead of the film. Afterwards, The Madame brings comedy that is on the pulse with current affairs and parody songs that will be ruined, for you, by her, for years to come.

Tickets £16

Book Tickets

Tuesday 20 Aug 202420:00 Book Now