
There's Still Tomorrow (15)

There's Still Tomorrow

C'è Ancora Domani

Set in postwar 1940s Italy, we follow a woman breaking traditional family patterns and aspiring to a different future. A huge box office smash in Italy, and now getting the critical acclaim it deserves worldwide.

This is a richly sentimental working-class drama (with a few laughs) of postwar Rome. A story of domestic abuse whose heroine (actress and director Paola Cortellesi) finally escapes from misogyny and cruelty through a piece of narrative sleight-of-hand that borders on magic-neorealism, performed with theatrical flair and marvellously composed in luminous monochrome. The film pays homage to early pictures by De Sica and Fellini, and Cortellesi’s own performance is consciously in the spirit of divas such as Anna Magnani and Sophia Loren. This is storytelling with terrific confidence and panache, and currently rating 100% on the film critics’ website Rotten Tomatoes. (Subtitles)

Italy 2023 Paola Cortellesi 118m

Book Tickets

Friday 28 Jun 202417:30 Book Now
Saturday 29 Jun 202420:15 Book Now
Sunday 30 Jun 202415:15 Book Now
Monday 1 Jul 202415:00 Book Now
Tuesday 2 Jul 202412:45 Book Now
Thursday 4 Jul 202420:15 Book Now