
Beyond the Raging Sea (PG)

Beyond the Raging Sea

Full of jaw-dropping action, Marco Orsini’s riveting adventure documentary chronicles a transformational journey on the high seas.

Egyptian extreme athletes Omar Samra and Omar Nour enter the world’s toughest rowing race: the Atlantic Challenge, an unsupported 3,000 mile open-ocean race from the Canary Islands to Antigua, despite neither having experience on open water. The athletes trained for an entire year before embarking on the voyage in a high-tech unsinkable rowboat, which they dedicate to the plight of refugees worldwide for whom unimaginable peril, exposure and even death at sea comes to tens of thousands annually. What they couldn’t prepare for is what actually happened. This is a gripping adventure on the high seas, with a forceful finale that will have us all contemplating why many people choose to risk their lives.

USA 2018 Marco Orsini 70m

Book Tickets

Saturday 29 Jun 202413:30 Book Now
Thursday 4 Jul 202418:30 Book Now